The joint project “Towards International Markets – Digitalization and Performing Arts” organized by CircusInfo, Dance Info and Theatre Info was granted EUR 300,000 by the Ministry of Education and Culture in structural support for the recovery of the cultural and creative industries. The project is part of the Performing HEL showcase organized in Helsinki 2023.

With the grant, Performing HEL looks to the future. The main goal of the project is to increase the international visibility of Finnish performing arts, to develop its international distribution, and to increase the opportunities for artists. The idea of sustainable development of touring activities and international events is the red thread in the project. 

The project starts on March 17 with an open call for a series of workshops. Led by professionals in various fields, 12 artists will study streaming of live performances from both a technical and artistic perspective. The workshops will also offer a look into the possibility of streaming live performances to expand the earning model of international performing arts activities. The workshops will go on until February 2023. 

The next Performing HEL showcase will be held in the autumn of 2023. The production model and content of the hybrid event will be developed to meet the needs of both the artists and the presenters. The showcase is aimed at international and domestic presenters. 

As in previous years, Performing HEL also organizes training days open to the entire field of performing arts in Finland, with the aim of developing their international competencies. 

As part of Finland’s Sustainable Growth Programme, the financial support that Performing HEL received, provides means for the cultural and creative sectors to reform and digitalize their services and production and operating procedures. Funding for Finland’s Sustainable Growth Programme comes from the EU’s Rescue and Resilience Facility (RRF), which is one of the programs of the European Union economic recovery package, Next Generation EU.

Digitalization of performing arts is funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU